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10:21 AM

3.2 mi


8:58 mi


203.8 lb
168 bpm
183 bpm


69 F


5 / 10
2 / 10
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--- Went out in 8:43 on the hilly beginning (8:24 adjusted) and died a slow death after. ---

Mile splits: 8:44, 8:59 (17:43), 9:19 (27:02) and 1:26 (28:28) last 0.18 miles (7:59 pace)

Adjusted mile splits: 8:24, 8:49, 9:08 and 8:42 pace last 0.18 miles

Skipped out on yesterday’s run because it was 84 degrees, so was kind of determined to run today. Didn’t got to bed until 2:30 a.m. and got up at 7:45 a.m. Tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t. Told myself I would take a nap later. Drank down one glass of water and did my normal morning routine before finally getting out the door around 10:15 a.m. Was a little bit worried with the length of the run (3.17 miles), which would be my longest of the year. Also was worried about it being hot out for me (70 degrees at the start, but I’ve been running in the upper 40s and lower 50s), not having enough water, not getting enough sleep and not being mentally prepared for the run, as stupid as the last part sounds. Walked over to the other side of University, did a very quick stretch of my calves and quads and I was off.

The first part is mostly uphill, but that didn’t stop me from going out way too quick. For some reason I had some indoor relays in my head from my Brockport days, mainly the ones from my senior year. Before I knew it was through the hills after splitting pretty fast at 0.25 and 0.50 (forgot the times though). Got up the Stanford hill OK and made the turn on 70th. That was where I first kind of felt the heat. Ended up at 8:44 at the first mile, which was obviously way too fast. According to Strava, that’s an adjusted 8:24. Damn. And still a lot left to go. I did keep counting down the distance left. At 0.75, so roughly ¼ of the way down. At 1.00, roughly 1/3 of the way down, etc.

Started to feel a little sluggish after turning from Colony on 71st. After the Stanford downhill and turning on Normandie Place, really started to feel it. I was super slow on the hilly part around the second mile, splitting 8:59 (17:43) for it (8:49 adjusted).

Started to think about stopping right after the 2-mile mark and that thought never relented. Felt really bad on Harbinson on that stretch to Stanford. Was so close to stopping many times but I kept seeing people walking and walking their dog, and I didn’t want to bitch out in front of them. Then I also kept telling myself that there was only 0.8 miles left, then 0.7 miles let, etc. I was battling my brain and a cramp on my right side, but I guess my heart won out. So gay. I was excruciatingly slow up the Stanford hill. Just shuffling up. Hit the third mile on top of the hill in 9:19 (27:02), which surprised me. Early on I thought I would for sure break 9:00 pace and more likely around 8:50 pace.

But I did know that the rest was all downhill and I ran that in 1:26 (7:59 pace). Somehow I didn’t dry-heave, despite my heart rate hanging out in the 180s for a bunch toward the end. Was so glad to finish. I hit the walk button and when it was my turn to cross, I waved on another truck because I knew I’d be slow to cross.

Happy overall to hit 3.18 miles for the run and happy to kind of start my new plan of running three days on, one day off to try and prevent injury with the middle run being on grass and/or dirt.

Song(s) in my Head: Is There Something I Should Know by Duran Duran (1981)

Stops: 0

Dry-Heaves: 0

Times on Around the Neighborhood (^ morning run)

* 02/02/20 - 3.18 mi. in 28:28 (8:58 pace) - 8:44, 8:59 (17:43), 9:19 (27:02) & 1:26 (28:28) last 0.18; AHR: 168; MHR: 183; Weight - 203.8

^ 06/07/19 - 3.15 mi. in 27:13 (8:39 pace) - 8:51, 8:43 (17:34), 8:28 (26:02) & 1:11 (27:13) last 0.15; AHR: 162; MHR: 179; Weight - 195.4

^ 05/30/19 - 3.17 mi. in 27:56 (8:49 pace) - 8:50, 8:50 (17:40) 8:53 (26:33) & 1:23 (27:56) last 0.17; AHR: 162; MHR: 177; Weight - 196.6

* 05/19/19 - 3.17 mi. in 28:55 (9:08 pace) - 9:06, 9:07 (18:13), 9:16 (27:29) & 1:26 (28:55) last 0.17; AHR: 165; MHR: 178; Weight - 199.4

Past Feb. 2nds

Today - 3.18 mi. in 28:28 (8:58 pace) at 10:21 a.m. in San Diego (La Mesa: Around the Neighborhood); AHR: 168; MHR: 183; Weight - 203.8

2019 - Did not run

2018 - 2.15 mi. in 19:16 (8:58 pace) at 7:26 a.m. in San Diego (La Mesa: CTGA Block x 2 + Tennis Courts); AHR: 171; MHR: 186; Weight - 202.6

2017 - Did not run

2016 - Did not run

2015 - Did not run

2014 - Did not run

2013 - Did not run

2012 - Did not run

2011 - Did not run

2010 - Did not run

2009 - 4.17 mi. in 30:25 (7:18 pace) at 7:35 p.m. in San Diego (Pacific Beach)

2008 - Did not run

2007 - Did not run

2006 - Did not run

2005 - ~ 4.50 mi. in 30:53 (6:51 pace) at 6 p.m. in San Diego (College Area)

2004 - 8.00 mi. in 53:58 (6:45 pace) at 1:45 p.m. in Oneonta (Fortin Park Loop)

2003 - 13.00 mi. in 1:25:42 (6:35 pace) at 2:55 p.m. in Brockport (10-mile loop + 3-mile loop w/ James, Alex and Dave)

2002 - 10.00 mi. on day at Fredonia indoor track (160m) - 4.0 mi. WU | 3,000 race in 9:51.95 (5:17.48 pace) | 800 (2:13) of 4 x 800 w/ Matt (2:21), Alex (2:21) and Sander (2:12) | 3.5 mi. CD

2001 - N/A

2000 - N/A
