Run: Morning Previous Next


7:45 AM

3 mi


8:17 mi




197.2 lb
177 bpm
195 bpm


63 F


5 / 10
1 / 10
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---First run in 46 days = 3 stops (2 via traffic), 3 dry-heaves & a 177 AHR.---

Finally manned up and got out for a run this morning. It was my first in 46 days (since July 5) with only about those first five or six (from July 6-11) being impossible because of very long days at work. I came up with lots of excuses after, some valid (sick, banged up knee) and some not (tired, “I’ll start the next day,” “Rachel is gone,” etc.), not to run but that’s all behind me. Hopefully I can string together some consecutive days and carry that into the football season, where my workload will only get larger.

After a quick stretch while my Garmin found the GPS satellites, I was off. I started breathing hard about 45 seconds in and wanted to stop. I wasn’t motivated at all during the run, but kept running because I had to. I hit a traffic light on 35th and El Cajon and was very happy to stop. I came through the ½-mile in 4:05 and the mile in 8:06.54, surprised at how fast I was going given my shape and how bad I felt.

I still was rolling along through 1.50 miles (~12:00), but then started the uphill portion and dry-heaved right after (1.54) and stopped at 1.59 miles for a pussy break. After a long stop, I started again and was happy to stop at another red light at 33rd and El Cajon at 1.88 miles. I managed to escape the sharp tree that damaged my right arm and shirt the first two times I ran this (June 3 & June 7), and slumbered through the final mile of the loop.

Once I hit Adams, I was feeling it pretty big time, mainly in my lungs, but also in my legs. I was determined not to stop the rest of the way and lucked out a bit with some lights, but I did dry-heave at 2.70 miles and right when I finished (3.00 miles). I was pretty happy to finish as that last 0.60 miles or so was a bear.

I ended up PR’ing on the loop by 24 seconds, despite and maybe because of the three stops and three dry-heaves. We’ll see how I feel later, but hopefully my water intake will go up and my soda intake will go down.

Song: Started From The Bottom (Drake)

Stops: 3 (0.78 (traffic), 1.59 (pussy), 1.88 (traffic))

Dry-Heaves: 3 (1.54, 2.70, 3.00 (finish))

Times on 35-33 (^ morning run)

^* 08/20/13 - 3.00 mi. in 24:49.51 (8:17 pace) - 8:07, 8:10 (16:17) & 8:33 (24:50); AHR: 177/MHR: 195; Weight - 197.2

^* 06/27/13 - 3.01 mi. in 25:28.38 (8:28 pace) - 8:27, 8:25 (16:52) & 8:30 (25:22); AHR: N/A/MHR: N/A; Weight - 195.6

* 06/18/13 - 3.00 mi. in 25:14.13 (8:25 pace) - 8:10, 8:34 (16:44) & 8:30 (25:14); AHR: N/A/MHR: N/A; Weight - 198.8

* 06/07/13 - 3.01 mi. in 25:22.88 (8:26 pace) - N/A; AHR: N/A/MHR: N/A; Weight - 198.0

* 06/03/13 - 3.00 mi. in 26:14.34 (8:45 pace) - 8:29, 8:53 (17:22) & 8:52 (26:14); AHR: N/A/MHR: N/A; Weight - 200.0

Past Aug. 20th’s

Today - 3.00 mi. in 24:50 (8:17 pace) at 7:45 a.m. in San Diego (Normal Heights: 35-33); AHR: 177/MHR: 195; Weight - 197.2

2012 - Did not run

2011 - Did not run

2010 - Did not run

2009 - Did not run

2008 - Did not run

2007 - Did not run

2006 - Did not run

2005 - Did not run

2004 - Did not run (right foot injury)

2003 - 5.00 mi. in 34:44 (6:57 pace) at 8:40 a.m. in Oneonta (5-Mile Loop)

2002 - 10.00 mi. in 1:06:35 (6:40 pace) w/ Alex & James at 5:30 p.m. in Brockport (Random)

2001 - N/A

2000 - N/A
