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12:00 PM

1500 m


4:49 mi


10 / 10

Race Result

8 / 12 (66.7%)


Ran the race in 4:29.26, a new PR. I'm somewhat happy, but I wanted to go a bit faster. I finished eighth of 12. My unofficial splits were 34, 36 (1:10), 35 (1:45), 37 (2:22), 37 (2:59), 37 (3:36), 36 (4:12) & 17 seconds last 100 meters.

I got out real quick and led at 200 meters. It was a physical race with lots of elbows and pushing. My kick was decent, but I didn't have it for that long. I went at 300 and passed a bunch of guys, but one caught me with about 80 and I tried to hold off a guy, but he got me in the end.
