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7:30 PM

5 km


5:24 mi


78 F


10 / 10

Race Result



Ran the 5K race in 16:44, good enough for fourth overall. I am somewhat happy with the result. I would have liked to PR'd, but seven seconds off on a grass course isn't that bad. Felt good the first mile, but settled into a pace too early in the race. I was at 2:32 at the 1/2-mile mark, 5:17 at the mile, 10:56 (5:39) at the second mile and 16:18 (5:22) at the third mile. I kicked in the last 176 meters in 26 seconds. I started right next to Jon Pierce and stayed in striking distance from Pierce, Jon French and Andy Dana after the first mile. They passed mile two in about 10:24. That means that Pierce must have put in a 4:58 last mile, Dana a 4:59 and French about 5:18. I pretty much ran by myself the whole race. I had a decent kick and even dry-heaved two or three times with 200-600 meters left. Still, I feel like I can maintain a 5:25-5:30 pace for an 8K right now. I had a bloody nose when I finished. I didn't even feel it during the race. Still pumped about the upcoming season.
