Run: Easy Previous Next


6:05 PM

8.5 mi


7:18 mi


55 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map



Took it easy again today as I'm now in my "peaking" phase for Saturday's 16-miler and start of my 24/24/24 challenge. Felt good enough to go 10 or so, but the plan is 8.5 tonight, 7 tomorrow and 5 on Friday, then the 16-miler on Saturday. I am really getting worried as to whether I'll be able to run the 24 miles and drink the 24 beers in 24 hours. The big worry is Sunday. I think I can do the 16 miles, then hydrate, then drink 12-14 beers on Saturday. But what I'm worried about is the next day and if I'll be too hungover to run the eight and drink the rest of the beers. I can do this!
