Run: Easy Previous Next


6:58 PM

6.1 mi


7:04 mi


56 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map



Ran the 6.10-mile Morena Loop four seconds off a PR in 43:06.21. Felt ok in the beginning with thoughts of doing 8.5 or so, but then the cramp from the Cheese and Bacon Tato Skins that I had just eaten kicked in. The cramp pretty much lasted the rest of the way but was the worst from about 1.9 miles to 3.2. Picked it up at the end so I could get back home and play in the 5+.50 PLO Double Stack tourney. Bah-bop. Plan on just taking it easy the whole week (5-8 each run) and then get after it again starting Sunday (hopefully back up to 50 miles again). Splits were all over the place at 7:01.4, 7:25.6, 7:05.6, 7:11.0, 7:02.7 and 7:19.87 last 1.10 (6:39.9 pace).
