Run: Easy Previous Next


4:50 PM

6 mi


6:59 mi



5 / 10
7 / 10


Would have said I felt excellent, but the pain in my right hamstring was still there. Ran the 5.0-mile Camino South-North loop in 35:03.46, a 1:33 PR from June 7. Felt pretty good throughout, but might have been pushing it at the end. Think I was about 21:09 at three miles, then ran unofficial miles of 6:57 and 6:57 to finish. Then ran the 1.03-mile loop around the block in 7:02.50 (6:49 pace). This didn't seem that fast, but I'll take it. My fastest day in a very, very long time. 23.1 miles after three days, still planning on hitting at least 50.
