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9:51 PM

8.6 mi


7:22 mi


185.2 lb
164 bpm
173 bpm


66 F


6 / 10
5 / 10
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---Longest run since June 14, 2010 (9.01 miles). Probably a bit too fast for my current shape. I'll pay the next few days.---

Had a pretty good run today down near my old place kind of late. I wore my orange reflector vest because a few parts are pretty dark. I put the run off long enough. I ran Lasso, which today ended up being 8.58 miles because of cutting across the road when I didn’t need to, in 1:03:11 at 7:22 pace. This was probably too fast considering my shape right now.

After a quick stretch, I was off. I felt pretty good the first 3.50 miles or so and did a decent job of just running on feel. I hardly looked at my watch. After a piss (3.86 miles) break, I felt good again, but that only lasted a few more minutes and it was back to breathing relatively hard and not feeling so hot. I stopped twice more because of lights, but I cherished those stops. I felt good that sixth mile thanks to the two stops. The seventh mile went by quick and the last 1.58 seemed to take forever.

I’m pretty happy with the run. I just hope I can keep running injury free. I’m pretty sure the next few days will be rough.

Song: Redemption Song (Bob Marley)

Stops: 3 (3.86 - piss; 5.06 - stoplight; 5.56 - stoplight)

Times on Lasso (^ Part of a longer loop)

* 07/18/11 - 8.58 mi. in 1:03:11 (7:22 pace) - 7:19, 7:33 (14:52), 7:12 (22:04), 7:21 (29:25), 7:22 (36:47), 7:19 (44:06), 7:26 (51:32), 7:25 (58:57) & 4:14 (1:03:11) last 0.58 mi. (7:18 pace); AHR: 164/MHR: 173; Weight - 185.2

*^ 06/14/10 - 8.51 mi. in 1:01:28 (7:14 pace) - 7:20, 7:33 (14:53), 7:14 (22:07), 7:13 (29:20), 7:16 (36:36), 7:09 (43:45), 7:07 (50:52), 7:03 (57:55) & 3:33 (1:01:28) last 0.51 mi. (6:59 pace); AHR: 163/MHR: 182; Weight - 175.0

* 05/22/08 - 8.51 mi. in 1:01:02 (7:11 pace) - 7:10, 7:19 (14:29), 7:08 (21:37), 6:59 (28:36), 7:12 (35:48), 7:03 (42:51), 7:20 (50:11), 7:14 (57:25) & 3:39 (1:01:02) last 0.51 mi. (7:10 pace)

*^ 01/14/08 - 8.51 mi. in 59:33 (6:59 pace) - 7:06, 14:21 next 2.00 (21:27), 7:01 (28:28), 7:02 (35:30), 6:53 (42:23) & 17:09 (59:33) last 2.51 mi. (6:50 pace)

* 12/19/07 - 8.51 mi. in 1:02:05 (7:18 pace)

*^ 12/13/07 - 8.51 mi. in 1:00:30 (7:07 pace) - 7:09, 7:17 (14:26), 7:03 (21:29), 7:03 (28:32), 7:04 (35:36), 7:07 (42:43), 7:10 (49:53), 7:08 (57:01) & 3:30 (1:00:30) last 0.51 mi. (6:52 pace)

Past July 17th’s

Today - 8.58 mi. in 1:03:11 (7:22 pace) at 9:51 p.m. in San Diego (Fashion Valley: Lasso); AHR: 164/MHR: 173; Weight - 185.2

2010 - Did not run

2009 - Did not run

2008 - Did not run

2007 - Did not run

2006 - 5.02 mi. in 38:20 (7:39 pace) at 10:05 p.m. in San Diego (College Area: Alvarado)

2005 - Did not run

2004 - ~6.00 mi. in 39:33 (6:35 pace) at 3:40 p.m. in San Diego (College Area: Gruber Loop)

2003 - Did not run

2002 - A.M.: 11.32 mi. in 1:26:39 (7:40 pace) at 6:45 a.m. in Parishville (Middle-Green Loop) | P.M. Soccer (All 90 minutes with only eight and nine guys)

2001 - N/A

2000 - N/A
