Run: Long Previous Next


8:35 PM

9.9 mi


6:55 mi


58 F


7 / 10
5 / 10


Longest run since Jan. 14, when I ran 10.02 miles. Never really felt good either, but started pretty hard out the door. Just kept rolling along and tried to focus. The first three miles felt pretty good and so did the next mile. The hardest part was from four to six or so. But I was in a good rhythm and would not let myself slow down, despite running in parts with little or no light and into a headwind.

I actually was so into my run that I went the wrong way and didn't figure it out until awhile down the loop. Being the nerd that I am, I stopped, walked 419 steps back to where I missed my turn and then another 419 steps to where I should have been. This turned into about 10 minutes of wasted walk time over about a half-mile. But as soon as I started up again my legs felt it.

The last hill was a bit of a struggle but I managed to finish in 53:41.44 (6:55.67 pace) almost 2:00 minutes faster than the last time (55:40.94) on May 6.

Then I added on the 2.15-mile Mission Blvd. Loop in 14:42.42 (6:50.43 pace). Really felt the last part of this as I was breathing pretty good and my legs were tired. I actually thought it was slower, more like 7:00 pace, so I was happy with the outcome.

All together it was 9.9 miles at 6:54.44 pace. Too bad this will probably be my only run longer than seven miles because of Padre games and Yosemite.
