Run: Morning Previous Next


7:38 AM

4.8 mi


8:15 mi


194.6 lb
158 bpm
175 bpm


60 F


5 / 10
6 / 10
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--- Had some Garmin stop/lap issues, but either way I felt pretty damn good. This was a relatively relaxed run on some hills. ---

Mile splits: 8:25, 8:34 (16:59), 7:44 (24:43), 8:22 (33:05) and 6:13 (39:18) last 0.77 miles (8:04 pace)

Adjusted splits: 8:01, 8:23, 8:03, 8:01 and 8:01 pace last 0.77 miles

Stayed up way too late last night, but felt a little better after a nice stretch inside this morning. Planned on running a new ~4.80-mile loop I was going to call Baltimore. Knew two things going in, the first that I would run into some traffic. I counted six stoplights that more than likely I would have to guess right or stop so I put the over/under at 3.5 stops. The other was that there were going to be some hills that might slow me down big time, but a few that I’d be able to roll on. Was debating about which way to run the loop, but eventually settled on what I chose since it seemed a little better to see traffic issues. Walked across University to start near the one stoplight.

Ended up feeling pretty good the whole run. Kept telling myself to slow down, something I always do the first time I run a loop. But then was thinking that there would probably be a bunch of stops, so maybe I could pick it up (I really didn’t). Ended up stopping at the first two lights I ran into - at La Mesa Blvd. (0.79) and El Cajon (1.20). Not a good start for the over/under. Made mistakes on the Garmin on both times. Hit the lap button right before the first stop (0.78) and then I don’t know what the heck I did at the 1.20 one. When I hit start when it was time to go, it looked like I hit stop. So in my head I must’ve hit lap at the spot. Looking back on the Garmin website, it looks like it was a 39-second break. I think somehow the time didn’t count though? Originally took away 39 seconds from this loop, but I don’t know. Keeping it the way it came out.

Anyway, went up the long gradual uphill on University OK. Got rolling on the downhill after my stop at 1.20 miles and was able to get through the stoplight on Fletcher Parkway. The hill on Baltimore was bad, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Got moving again when I turned on Lake Murray Blvd., especially the last part down the hill toward Parkway. Got through there without having to wait for cars going onto the 8 and then made it through another light on Alvarado. The toughest part of the run was up the hill where Darin used to live near Saranac St., but at least it was short. Didn’t feel good again until El Cajon, which I crossed without having to stop. Felt pretty good on 70th until about the turn on Stanford. Luckily a downhill got me going again and I knew it was just the final short uphill, which I completed OK. Then kind of stumbled down to the end.

Altogether, it was 4.77 miles in 39:18 (8:15 pace), assuming that I didn’t lose any time on that stop. Pretty happy because I felt relaxed for the most part and didn’t labor too much, and it was enough hills to keep me honest. According to Wunderground, it was 55 degrees when I started and 65 when I finished. Looking at running the 4.68-mile Rolando loop tomorrow for the second time (first time since March 22).

Song in my Head: Rosanna by Toto (1982)

Stops: 2 (0.79 - stoplight; 1.20 - stoplight)

Dry-Heaves: 0

Times on Baltimore (^ morning run; ~ ran more after)

^ 04/16/20 - 4.77 mi. in 39:18 (8:15 pace) (8:06 adjusted) - 8:25, 8:34 (16:59), 7:44 (24:43), 8:22 (33:05) and 6:13 (39:18) last 0.77 miles (8:04 pace); AHR: 158; MHR: 175; Weight - 194.6

Past April 16th’s

Today - 4.77 mi. in 39:18 (8:15 pace) at 7:38 a.m. in San Diego (La Mesa: Baltimore); AHR: 158; MHR: 175; Weight - 194.6

2019 - Did not run

2018 - Did not run

2017 - Did not run

2016 - Did not run

2015 - Did not run

2014 - Did not run

2013 - Did not run

2012 - Did not run

2011 - Did not run

2010 - Did not run

2009 - 3.00 mi. in 23:04 (7:42 pace) at 2:20 p.m. in Salt Lake City (Marriott Treadmill); Weight - 176.0

2008 - Did not run

2007 - Did not run

2006 - Did not run

2005 - Did not run

2004 -

2003 - WARM-UP: 3.00 mi. in 21:13 (7:05 pace) at 11:30 a.m. in Brockport (Random) | WORKOUT: 8 x 400m (w/ 1:30 rest) in 10:06.56 (5:05 pace - 75.44, 74.83, 76.32, 76.33, 76.44, 75.51, 77.03 & 74.66 - 75.82 avg.) + 4 x 200m (w/ 2:15 rest) in 2:07.64 (4:15 pace - 31.28, 31.78, 32.02 & 32.54) | COOLDOWN: 2.50 mi. in 18:39 (7:28 pace) --> TOTAL: 7.99 miles

2002 - WARM-UP: 2.00 mi. in 15:00 (7:30 pace) at 5 p.m. in Brockport (Random) | WORKOUT: 2 x (4 x 300m over barriers) (w/ 1:15 rest (2:30 between sets)) in 6:40 (4:29 pace - 0:47, 0:50, 0:50, 0:51, 0:49, 0:50, 0:50, 0:49) | COOLDOWN: 2.50 mi. in 18:35 (7:26 pace) (w/ Alex & James) --> TOTAL: 5.99 miles

2001 - N/A

2000 - N/A
