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7:30 PM

5 km


6:18 mi


76 F

Race Result



Planned on running with Aaron, but he was going slower and I was going faster than I expected. I was at 3:22 (6:44 pace) at the 1/2 mile and I tried to wait for Aaron. I ended up at 6:53 for mile No. 1. I surprisingly felt good, so I picked up the pace.I ran a 6:03 second mile and a 6:05 third mile. Then ran 31 seconds for my last 176 meters. I ran it to test my ribs and I felt good, so I'm going to try and pick it up again. Aaron ran 30:14 and walked three times. It seemed like fast conditions. I finished in 22nd place, although it was just a tempo run for me. My goal is to PR for the last race and break 16:30. Some notable finishers:

1. Jon French - 16:40

2. Dan Dominie - 17:02

4. Steve Coffin - 17:28

6. Jeff Lydaker - 17:35

8. Jon Pierce - 17:42

15. John Kennedy - 19:07

19. Pedro Alvarez - 19:28

20. Matt Russell - 19:28

22. Jamie McConeghy - 19:35
