Run: Easy Previous Next


2:40 PM

2 mi


15:15 mi


88 F


2 / 10
9 / 10


SW to tree and back, with Trey Moore.

Trey has a nice stride. We hit the first quarter mile in 2:19 (9:16/mile), and he kept up for over half a mile without getting winded. But his stomach hurt, so he had to stop and walk. As we went on, he was only able to run a block or two each time before the pain returned, and he had to stop. Not bad for only his second distance run. If he starts running regularly, he may give me stiff competition in a few months.

Splits: 12:57, 17:32.

Traffic stops at Racine St.: 15 sec outbound, 12 sec inbound, 27 sec total.
