Run: Easy Previous Next


5:20 PM

7.3 mi


6:54 mi


155 lb


80 F


6 / 10
5 / 10


Thought I was due to feel good so I started out on the 7 mile loop. DID NOT feel too comfortable the whole way. I did not push though, so I just thought it would be slow. When the watch ended at 50 minutes I mapped it out because I figured it was short, but Google says 7.25 for the loop I did plus a little add on.

Guess I'm feeling okay and I should try to really not worry about the watch (like I said I was going to). I am encouraged that I went sub 7 min pace for seven miles, but I would have enjoyed the run a little more had I not worried about it and settled in. 7:10 pace would have felt nicer... I just didn't let up because I thought I was already going 7:40s???? Shows that I don't know pace yet. No surprise. And I should chill with the watch and run by feel like I told myself I would.

All together, okay. Glad I got the longer run in.
