Run: Easy Previous Next


11:00 AM

14 mi


6:37 mi


155 lb


59 F


Okay, not really snowing, but cold as can be... I haven't run in 60 (or a bit under) weather since Spring 2008.

It was a little chilly, but I got rolling. Felt good the whole way until about 1.5 miles left. Slowed down a lot because of a slight pain on top (outside top) of my right foot. It went away shortly after stopping but it concerns me a bit. First time I've ever felt it. I iced for 20 minutes after.

Got the long run done with this week. Want to go "semi-long" and "long" every week (essentially 2 long runs per week), so we'll see how I feel Sunday. I will try to race a four miler on Saturday for the fourth so that would count as a workout instead of another long run.
