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16 mi



10 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

NCR Trail


Intervals: 1:30/1:00

Overall: 8

Enjoyment: 7 - For most of the run, it was fun and I enjoyed it. Only the last big did I struggle.

Experience: 7 -Perfect weather for a run. I was maintaining about a 12 min/mile pace until about 14.3 miles, then I hit the wall regarding glycogen reserves and my calves started to hurt, so I walked the last mile or so.

Effort: 9 - In hind sight, my 12 min/mile pace was too much, or I should have stuck with only 14 miles. I bonked the last mile or so.

Pain: 4 - Glycogen depletion induced calf pain. I had a banana before the run and two gels during. I need to rethink my energy strategy. I'm going to look into glycogen depletion training to train myself to burn fat instead of taking in carbs.
