Run: Race Previous Next


6:53 AM

26.2 mi


9:06 mi


165 lb


79 F


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

641 / 2254 (28.4%)
86 / 226 (38.1%)
505 / 1409 (35.8%)
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I had been having problems with plantar fasciitis in my right foot in the week leading up to this race. I iced it a lot in the two days before the race and it did not give me problems during the race (walking around barefoot after the race was a different story though!).

Started out windy and humid, with some clouds in the sky. The start of the race was good as things got up to speed quickly with not much crowding. The first mile was uphill slightly. I had to pee since before the race started so I stopped at the first chance I had (just after mile 3) and took care of business. I drank Powerade from my belt at about mile 2.5 or so and from then to the end, I just used water and Powerade from the aid stations. I took 3-4 beans at about mile 7, but never again. Everything was feeling pretty good through the first half. Solidly on a pretty steady pace for about 3:51 or so, but after the half marathon split, it started to get really hot and sunny. I think I dumped my first cup of water over my head at about mile 10 and then proceeded to do so at every aid station until the end. The 2nd half of the race was very hot and sunny with no clouds. Temps said 79 but it felt like 90+. There was almost no shade for miles 13-18 and definitely no shade from 22 to the end. The section on MLK from 18 to 22 was not too bad for shade. I was getting really hot and I started to take walking breaks at about mile 21 or so. I would take breaks, but when I ran, my pace was still pretty good. I really doubted that I was going to make my 4:00 goal, but as I got closer to the end, I saw that I could still get there. I had a nice strong finish for about hte last half mile or so. 3:58:02, not bad, but I still want a marathon where I don't have to walk at the end. I don't mind walking the aid stations and that is what I did at this race. All in all, nice race, pretty flat, and decent course, but I want to do better. I need a race where we don't have such problems with heat and humidity.

I was very sore the next couple of days after this race. Especially my quads.
