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7:50 AM

13.3 mi


11:05 mi


177.5 lb


46 F

Race Result

6920 / 9930 (69.7%)
449 / 779 (57.6%)
4005 / 6390 (62.7%)
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Fun race, that I almost pulled out of during the summer, due to injuries. Worked hard in PT, and although I was a little anxious as I felt my mileage was low (which it was!), I got to the starting line relatively happy (had an annoying toothache, otherwise OK). Plan was to run for a goal time of 2:30 (with or without the pace group), then near the end (8-10 miles or so), if I felt good, I could pick up the pace.

Forced myself to keep it slower in the beginning. Went faster around miles 5-6, but tried to slow it down a little. Picked up the pace where planned, but unfortunately had to stop and stretch (which I think was a wise decision - no further issues from that leg during the race). I was doing well in the last mile, but Nathan had joined me, and he needed to stop and walk, so that slowed my last mile down some (I was hitting close to a sub 10 min mile, but it was worth it having him with me). Felt awesome crossing the finish line.

Not very achy (helped it was a relatively flat course), really wanted to keep walking around a little. Left 2nd toenail was a little tender, and so was right great toenail (if pressed), but no blisters. Got a post race massage, ate, showered and slept (longer than I'd planned), but felt great when I woke up! Wide awake driving back to Lexington.

Today, am really feeling it in the left glut and hamstring. Will stretch a lot today, try not to sit too long. Otherwise feeling really good, minimal soreness!

Passed 530 overall

Was passed by 56 overall
