Run: Race Previous Next


7:30 AM

13.3 mi


13:02 mi



8 / 10
8 / 10


First 1.5 miles stayed with 13.44 pacer, way too slow, but wanted to make sure I went out very slow. Lots of people at start, trying not to dodge around too much. Left the pace group with Lori, stayed with her until she needed to use porta pottie at mile 8, then took off by myself. Listened to music last 5 miles, really kept me going. Tired around miles 11-12.5, took a few walk breaks, and was jogging really slowly at those times. When we turned onto the road with the finish line visible, I ran ahead, huge smile on my face.

Wonderful atmosphere, supportive crowds. Raining prior to the race, but not much during it - managed to get slightly sun burned shoulders by the end! Hills in Iroquois Park were manageable, and after those, it was pretty much flat from there on out. Kevin and Nathan and Amanda were cheering me on after Iroquois Park - wonderful seeing them, kisses and hugs all around! Unfortunately, did not see them again, and they didn't get to the finishing line in time to see me (they thought I would be there around 3.30 (time running).

Achy all day, large blister on 2nd toe on left foot, may lose toenail... Day after not quite so sore, but am kind of stiff. Hips hurt the worst. Will take it easy the next few days...
