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9:13 AM

10.2 mi


11:18 mi


182.5 lb
123 bpm
133 bpm


77 F
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Duluth High School Track

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77F 88%H 73DP, At the Duluth HIgh School Track. Yesterday was a bust. The Collins Hill HS was locked down and there were people playing with a football on the Duluth HS track -- probably because the football field was saturated from the rain. Anyway, today was going to be 2wu+6MP+2cd, but I wimped out. I did 2wu+2@10:30+1cd+1@10:30+1cd+2@10:30+1cd. Looks like I lost count. I thought I had done 6 fast, but it seems I only did 5. I thought my heart rate was going too high to be of marathon (aerobic) advantage, so I broke the fast sessions into smaller ones.
