Run: Recovery Previous Next


7:15 PM

6 mi


17:00 mi


Interval/Hill Run:

1mi warmup

2x .25mi @ 5K pace + .25mi recovery

2x .5mi @ 10K pace + .5mi recovery

4x .15mi hill sprint + .1mi recovery

2x .25mi hill interval + .25mi recovery

That's what this run was supposed to be. I did the warmup, and then my quad started hurting. The P/T said that if it starts affecting my stride, I should walk or cut it short. So I walked. For like five miles. This makes me sad.

The P/T did give me some exercises to do to strengthen my glutes, quads, etc. Hopefully they work. Hopefully they will magically make me better before Saturday's long run. =|

Training Plan Entry


6 mi

Interval/Hill Run:

1mi warmup

2x .25mi @ 5K pace + .25mi recovery

2x .5mi @ 10K pace + .5mi recovery

4x .15mi hill sprint + .1mi recovery

2x .25mi hill interval + .25mi recovery
