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6.6 mi


7:48 mi

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Tough session on the Derbyshire road loop 4x 1200 with 2.15 recovery:-

1) 3.44 - 5.06 pace

2) 3.44 - 5.06 pace

3) 3.45 - 5.08 pace

4) 3.41 - 5.01 pace

This was a decent session from me and one I'm happy with especially considering I've got jet lag having only got back from the states this am. I was feeling jaded on the warmup jet when the session started I felt ok the 1st rep felt very comfortable which really surprised me, I had to really dig in on the 3rd rep as I could feel the tiredness in my legs and worked hard on the last rep. I think Sunday's track session plus yesterday's run early am and the jet lag will have all had an effect on me yet I felt ok I was ahead of Mark and the closest I've been to Mike. The last time I did 1200's on the track I was slower than these so it shows I'm getting in decent shape, just need to convert it to a race plus get rid of the end of the cold!
