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5.2 mi


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<No name>


Track Workout

Notes: 4x800 negative splitting, went out in 80 for the first 3 and 79 for the last 1. (2:34, 2:32, 2:34, 2:23) 5x200s after alternating between "hard" and "relaxed" but still fast; all were at or under 30. Broke the mental barrier and kicked hard in the last 200, especially 150 of the final 800; went out in 79 and closed in ~65. Did better mentally today, and negative splitting was a part of that. Felt much better going into the second lap knowing that I had energy left in the tank and that my faster lap was still to come, knowing that I could kick. I want to translate this strategy into the race on Saturday, going out conservatively, regardless of what the pack is doing, and negative or even splitting the second lap.
