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  • Exercises


Cross Train (weights)

Notes: Pull ups to exhaustion twice: 3, 2.5.

Push ups to exhaustion twice: 53, 29.5.

Dips to exhaustion twice: 6, 7.5.

Step ups with dumbells: 15 lbs/ hand x 12, 20 lbs/ hand x 10.

Hanging leg raises: 3 sets of 12.

Dumbell squat press: 22.5 lbs/hand @ 3 sets of 12.

Med ball lift and twist: 20 on left side, 15 on right side (stopped short because of sudden sharp pain in right hamstring)

Core: Swiss ball crunches, plank on Swiss ball, leg raises. Roni's 4 minute plank workout: 2 minutes front plank, 15 seconds left arm, 15 secs right arm, right leg, left leg, combination of one leg one arm x 2, 30 seconds front plank.

Step ups and squats may have hurt my hamstrings and left lower back. Hamstrings were already sore from workout yesterday. I really like the dumbell squat press.
