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4 mi


7:54 mi


8 / 10
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<No name>


Hurdle Workout

Notes: 16:33 WU, mini hurdle workout with Jon in the East Green of Central Park. A few warm up runs through the hurdles including 1 leg hops. Workout was 4 x 50 seconds of hurdle run throughs with skipping for height back to the start, 10 minute rest, then 4 x max speed through the hurdles with 2-3 minutes rest. CD jog around the East Green and back to the gallery for more freelance work. Two quality strides post workout too. 4 hours later, my quads by my knees feel like I've rubbed icy hot all over them. In short, this is the most quality 7:5X pace 4 mile day I've ever logged.
