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5.1 mi


7:22 mi


6 / 10
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<No name>


NYSC Wall Street (PM)

Notes: 16:05 / 2 mile WU followed by walking drills and some running drills on the indoor turf at NYSC Wall Street. Hopped back on the treadmill for .5 miles worth of strides at various paces sub 5 (the only machines that go sub 5 don't display pace). Finished with 2.6 miles that started and ended upbeat. Overall, I felt great when running slowly this evening. Could've run between 7:30 - 8:00 forever, which got me wanting to go faster, which didn't feel great. Didn't have much spring but glad I got 4-5 treadmill strides in to spice up 10.2 easy miles today.
