Run: Interval Previous Next


9:40 AM

4.5 mi


8:19 mi


170 lb


55 F
  • Map

<No name>


Well, look at that. Yesterday was just a down day, didn’t run, my inner thighs are ridiculously tight for who knows why. Work sucked. Just a bad day even though it was around 70 out

Today the thigh is still tight but I decided to just go for it.

Did 5 minutes then 10 straight of hard 30 sec/normal 30, then 10 minutes around a 9-9:10 pace then the rest of 12ish minutes did the 30/30 again.

This pace is the fastest I’ve ever done one at this distance so yea….

Feeling this one by end

HR 170 max 186 cadence 171 max 184, best pace 6:53

1: 8:53.9

2: 7:52.4

3: 8:43.4

4: 7:53.8

4.51: 4:04.3 (8:02 pace)
