Run: Easy Previous Next


9:10 AM

3.5 mi


9:55 mi


175 lb
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<No name>


Just sweltering. Did the vineyards today and it actually was better than yesterday leg wise. Dog wise no…new neighbor on Beckman house had 2 dogs come after me 3 times on her walk, one nice one not so nice, ugh. She said they are friendly but not a fan - anywho…

Did 3 x 2 walk/8 run. Stopped about the 30-31 minute mark on dog #2 and talked to the new neighbor which gave me energy to finish the lap and the 3.5 which was nice, helped with my pace too ha

Most paces with walk were consistent and the last half was good, Hr still got to 190

1: 10:03.4

2: 10:05.8

3: 10:05.8

3.5: 4:25.4 (8:48 pace) had to stop in this portion which helped
