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5 km


5:55 mi

Race Result

42 / 70 (60%)
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I hopped in this race with my track spikes after last weekend's race was post-poned. It was fun to mix it up with the college kids, but I would have preferred to have mixed closer to the top. I went out close to the back on the first lap. The second lap I picked up a ton of places with a little Pac Man action. The third lap I caught a few more but was much more settled into position. I battled a Centre kid to the line but he had me by half a step. Splits according to my watch were 5:31, 5:51 (slowest lap of course), 6:02, 55 (watch had 3.17). The first mile didn't feel good, but was not hard. The final 2 miles of the race didn't feel that hard but it felt like I had a governor. My legs did feel unusually spent on the one small hill in the 2nd mile. All indicators point to fatigue from training, so I took Saturday off.
