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6:45 AM



163 kg
  • Exercises


6min warm on bike with a couple 30" sprints

A - 4x6

A1 - DB Incline press, 1st @ 30', 2-4 @ 35'

A2 - Pullups

A3 - Seated let extension machine

A4 - Leg curl machine

B - 2x10

B1 - DB Arnold press, 20'

B2 - Bent db row, 20'

B3 - Plank, 30"

Did some groin, hip flexor, back stretching throughout. I'm pretty sure I pulled/strained something last Friday and have been pretty hesitant since then. Not a fun feeling, and I didn't want to overdo it this week, but this was the gap week between Phase 1 & Phase 2 of the program I've been working from. So it's not a bad time to pull back a bit.

Made it 3 of 5 days this week. The bet was over last week.
