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6:30 AM



163 kg
  • Exercises


Week 1 is in the books! 4 of 5 morning workouts, 5 for 5 in total workouts.

5' yog on the treadmill to warm.

A - 6x6

A1 - Dumbbell squats. First 4 at 25', last 2 at 30'

A2 - Swill ball leg curl

B - 6x6

B1 - Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts. 25'

B2 - Alt Forward Lunges

C - called for x4, but I pretty much shot craps starting the 2nd round. Was toast.

C1 - Chin-ups, as many as possible (4 first round, 3 second)

C2 - Spiderman pushups, 10x2

C3 - Hand walkouts, 10x1

C4 - Plank 10 sec...amazed at how hard 10sec was after the hand walkouts

C5 - Seated row, 10x1

C6 - Pushups, 15x1

Thrilled to have gotten 4 morning workouts in this week. I think I may have beat (...checking Kyle's log...), damnit. Well done, Mr. Miyagi.
