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2:30 PM



163 kg
  • Exercises


5 min warm on elliptical

A - 4x8, 30' dbs

A1 - Push Press

A2 - RDL

A3 - Bent Row

A4 - Alt Lunge

B - 2x15, 20' db first set, 15' db second

B1 - Single-arm shoulder press

B2 - Single-leg RDL

B3 - Single-arm bent row

B4 - Bulgarian split squat

B5 - Plank, 1'

Missed the AM workout but needed the weight work to stay on track. So I snuck out of work this afternoon. The fitness center was packed. Probably a dozen or more people in there, which is the busiest I've ever seen it. That's just some additional motivation to stick to the morning routine.

Back is feeling a bit compressed from the elliptical work yesterday. Tomorrow AM will need to include a good stretch session.
