Elliptical: Aerobic Previous Next


6:45 AM

2.1 mi


6.27 mi / hr


163 kg
  • Map



Was running a few minutes late this morning...didn't pack my bag last night. So I had to scramble this morning to do that and double/triple check that I didn't forget a belt or socks or whatever.

This was booooring. I should have brought a magazine or something.

There was a girl doing what I can only assume was a freestyle Zumba class by herself in the other room. Headphones in, just dancing away. So there was that.

3/4 on the week. Friday will be a tough one. I'm going to the bball games this afternoon, and the evening session is undecided at this point (anyone want tickets? I have 4 available). If I end up staying for the evening games, it could put me in a difficult position for tomorrow morning's workout.
