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6:30 AM



163 kg
  • Exercises


5min warm on the elliptical.

A - 8x4 circuit with dumbbells. First 2 sets with 20's. Last 2 sets with 25's. The plan calls for using a barbell for the A-circuit, but the fitness center doesn't have any. So I swapped with DB's

A1 - Push press

A2 - Romanian deadlift

A3 - Bent rows

A4 - Hang clean

A5 - Alternating Lunges

B - 15x2 circuit with dumbbells. All sets 15'. This was single arm/leg (15 R, then 15 L); called for DB's.

B1 - Shoulder press

B2 - RDL

B3 - Bent rows

B4 - Bulgarian split squat

B5 - Plank, 1min

2 for 3 on the AM workouts. Need Thursday & Friday to hit 4 for 5.
