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5:40 AM

15 mi


22.5 mi / hr


163 kg
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Class #3 in the books. It doesn't seem as though it as that rough of a workout, maybe I'm just not pushing myself hard enough, but I'm trying to balance the lack of leg strength (re: toothpick legs) and not shredding my legs. I had an annoying twitch in my left quad for about 36 hours after last Thursday's class, so I don't want to crank up the resistance too much quite yet. Trying to be patient with that, but if I'm getting out of bed at 5:15, I'd prefer to get a good workout.

They also had one of the new bikes in the studio to test out. It sounds like they haven't decided which ones to go with, but really anything would be an upgrade. Also have little confidence that they'll requisition them any time soon. The instructor thought that January would be a nice goal, but I don't really think she is in the loop on the purchasing decisions. If I had to guess, the city is probably on a 9/30 YE, which means they'll let the first quarter go and see how membership is after the big New Year's push, then order them in late Jan or early Feb, meaning we should have them by March? I don't know, just a guess. Not even sure if I'll stick with the class that long. So I'm just rambling now avoiding work.
