Run: Easy Previous Next


10 mi


7:39 mi


Saw deer, gooses, goslings. Sammamish river was still as glass and the wooden bridge over it was just spectacularly beautiful this morning. The air is so fresh and clean that it really makes me conscious of how bad the air in Dallas is. Cool but not uncomfortable in a long sleeve shirt in the morning. No rain today even.

Monday afternoon I went out at a zesty pace and never quite got that far out on the other two 10 milers I did. So I feel like I've been slacking even though they have probably been about 7:20-7:30 with the hills. Went 39:00 out and came back at 1:16:30. Wish I had the Garmin. Oh well, not like it matters. Surprisingly few runners on the trails here - lots and lots of bikes. Kevin said that the trail goes about 35 miles, all the way down to UW main campus.
