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5 km


6:25 mi

Race Result

3 / 54 (5.6%)


Nice run, beautiful weather. First time I've raced since... when, Kapaa? I predicted 21:00 since I'm fat and out of shape, but I was secretly hoping I still might be under 20. Should have gone with that instead. Anyway, nice night. I left work "early' at 5:30 and rushed home, then rushed to park and got there just in time. Work is kind of miserable with the 2-3 hours a day added on top. Not sure how much longer I can keep it up - already starting to push back a little in terms of how much I am trying to take on and stay on top of.

Met a couple friends and talked - M's friend from Wylie was 2nd at about 19:30, and some other guy I didn't know was about a minute ahead of him. C was busy watching Bulls game so she didn't want to come.
