Run: Hill Previous Next


6:15 PM

6.8 mi


10:16 mi


94 F
  • Map

towers road!


hottest day of the year thus far, i think. but it's erlend's last day in foco, so it had to be done. glad that i grabbed my balls and did this run despite the circumstances. did the climb in 38:38 with erlend's swedish friend jonatan-- likely had another 30s or minute in me, but given the conditions it wasn't a day to go for time and i wanted to finish with him. ran down with erlend and felt alright, just over a half hour for the descent. left knee was sometimes clicking a bit on the way up, but wasn't really sore or anything. last time i did this route was back in march-- quite different, but pleased with the effort. cool to have such a group too-- erlend, jonatan, brad, nick, rob.
