Run: Long Previous Next


8:30 AM

10.8 mi


7:41 mi


55 F
  • Map

golden gate!


long run with chris, joe, eric in misty san francisco. a run to remember, with few people out, a conversational pace, lovely misting rain for a good part of it, and running in a really cool place. the mist cleared up a bit on the way back, allowing a decent view of the bridge and alcatraz. the way out was slower than the way back. felt pretty good for the first maybe 6mi then the last third was more of an effort. originally planned to run at 7am, but pushed it back an hour due to strong rain... a great decision when seeing the miserable 5k runners soaking wet as we left. took the cable car up and over the hill to make the distance manageable. glad this was able to happen, and awesome to run with an old running buddy.
