Run: Steady Previous Next


7:55 AM

4.5 mi


7:26 mi


56 F


5 / 10
2 / 10


morning run. didn't stretch much at all, probably a mistake. went south, along ross, down overland, along dixon canyon. stopped to breath at trail parking lot, then continued north and came back past stadium, then overland, lake, etc. decided that i need to be running faster, and the first half was ~7:15 pace. but coming into the stadium area, started to feel knee in weird way. not really pain, but certain, definite sensation under right kneecap on left side at an extended part of the stride. it didn't really go away quickly and i considered walking back... but opted to run slowly instead. apparently it wasn't very slow, since pace is still quickish- but man this sucks. took 3 ibuprofen and just need to hope it was something settling. definitely will stretch well before i run next time.
