Run: Steady Previous Next


7:00 PM

6.4 mi


7:19 mi


38 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


was hoping this was faster than that, but still fairly pleased. went up along mulberry then mountain. turned at howes at just over 7min pace for the way out. cam back on laurel, shields, elizabeth. 100ft difference going out vs. coming back. as seems common with night running, the pace feels faster, but suffers from uncertain footing and other dangers. still, considered not running just due to cold and wind, but there thankfully wasn't much breeze at all. still having mucus problems, blew it all over my sleeve and stopped once to spit up. legs feeling better and better. exercises are now routine and don't seem to take away at all (except for lunges, which i'm still adjusting to). solid night run on a cold night. first day of heating the house after putting it off for a while.
