Run: Easy Previous Next


6.7 mi


7:37 mi


73 F
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hills, back


felt like shit. quite surprised the pace was as reasonable as calculated. didn't feel great on the way out, with the same sort of general fatigue and lingering soreness in the calves (which I think I can chalk up to doing 17 in flats...), turned around earlier than I wanted to, and felt progressively worse on the way back. just a general blah run. hoped that taking yesterday off (due to laziness in part but also a desire to stave off any illness lingering, and help the sore calves) would help refresh the legs and body, but maybe I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see that.

really wanted to hit 50+ this week, but hard to do that when taking a day off and doing very long runs. the real goal is to get in a very solid and continuous 20 this week around 7 flat pace and get in some easy mileage mixed with quicker stuff to wind down toward chicago. staying healthy is the name of the game... I've come too far to jeopardize it with something trivial like weekly mileage.
