Run: Steady Previous Next


6:30 PM

5.1 mi


7:40 mi


46 F


6 / 10
4 / 10


twilight run. first day doing twice pt with band. considered not running today- feeling a little ill and it's a chilly evening. but went anyway with the rationale that the half is less than three weeks away and i need all the miles i can get. also took a puff from inhaler (first in months) that might've helped in beginning but wasn't too noticeable... wary of 'exercise/cold induced' asthma hitting again. thought that i went out quickly, but legs seemed a bit tired and night running always seems faster than it is. legs could understandably be fatigued- record biking and running mileage last week and instead of rest after the 10 miler i biked and did hills. still, trying to get all the strength i can.
