Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:45 AM

9.1 mi


8:21 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
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Incredible tempo for the 3rd week in a row. I was very worried going into this because I put the pressure on that I had to keep doing like I have the last two weeks. It turned out to be the best yet though. The overall tempo pace was 1 second faster than last week and the average has been improving (ever so slightly) each of these 3 weeks. I was able to add on an extra mile cool down to round up to 9 instead of 8 and even threw in a couple of short intervals. I felt good after the run as well - better than last week. 2 mile w/u, 5 mile tempo, 2 mile cool down (w/ couple of short intervals). Next week I hope to add on at least .5 mile to the tempo distance. This is still very, very hard, but it sure is satisfying when it's over. Dan has pulled me through all of these the last three weeks and I wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't there to help.
