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6:07 AM

14 mi


9:17 mi


6 / 10
8 / 10
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After changing my mind a few times, I went out to Stadium at 0600. The Lunatics had changed their route to one I was more comfortable with, and Robin and Jaira were meeting them at 0600 after already putting in a few so I decided to meet up with them as well since I'd have them to run with. The route was basically around my area, including CampusView. We took a comfortable pace. By the time we got to Nifong I was feeling like I was in a comfortable mode, I was enjoying the hills, and it felt good to just go along. I left Robin & Jaira at Scott. They headed back to Robin's house to finish off 16 and 18 and I took the trail back from Scott solo to get 14 (had to add on a bit to do that). When we first gathered for this run we were having a little thunderstorm, but it passed quickly. At one point, going down the MU Rec Trail the sun was peeking out through the trees and the rain was still coming down. Later, the sun came out for a spell & then by the time we got to Scott a gentle rain had started again. The trail was fairly quiet at that point, the rain was friendly, and the trees and grass looked so beautifully green. It really was a wonderful way to finish off a nice run. Since I'll be doing 13.1 next week, I really didn't want to do 13 this week. Something about doing 13 two weeks in a row seemed weird so that's why the 14, but I know that doesn't make a lot of sense.
