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5:14 AM

8 mi


9:42 mi


Mizuno (1)


9 / 10
4 / 10
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Ugh! How embarrassing! Well, at least it wasn't cold. But is sure was dark! And I sure was sluggish! And my headlamp sure needs new batteries! Considering all that though, & my strong run yesterday, it wasn't that bad . . . I guess. This was as fast as I could go today - not a bit faster, which is pretty amazing. Oh well. I was going to blame it on the dark for the first part, but actually the last half is just as slow. Hmmm. I presented myself to the Stadium trail head at 0515 for a solo run. I didn't turn Shuffle on so I'd be more aware of my surroundings. That headlamp might have done me more harm than good after it started to fade. I lost my bearings several times and even ran off the trail once. I have had that trouble running with the lamp on the trail before & it's a real pain. Early on I saw some bicyclists out & that was kind of nice. About the 2.0 I heard voices that sounded like they were coming from the woods. Then it was quiet again. A minute or so later I was somewhat startled to find I was running past a group of probably 20 or so young men lined up on either side of the trail! Actually, I think I might have scared them more than they scared me. One guy called out, "Look! A woman!" Well, at least that much was distinguishable! I have no idea what they were doing and I never saw them again. I ran out past Scott. The best part was that open stretch past the bridge at Scott. It was getting light, and coming back that way it was pretty. By that time, more people were out as well. I didn't have much control over this run. My body took over and pretty much said, "ok, I'm out here, but this is all we're gonna do." So, I had to say ok, as sometimes I have no choices. Hopefully, this was a good thing. I wanted to quit at 7, but pushed to 8 thinking that at least I'm teaching myself to persevere. I have been very well rested lately so I know that's a good thing & I can't blame it on being sleepy. I think the hard run yesterday, even though it felt so good might have worn me down a bit, and that's fine & to be expected. I am comfortable with where I am right now. Tomorrow -- no more than 5 easy miles!!!
