Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:00 AM

10 mi


8:10 mi


8 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map



ZOOM!!! This was the best yet - another 6 miler at tempo. Started at Flat Branch this time - by the Marathon Statues so we'd have more time on friendly trail due to all the wash outs past Scott. 2 mile w/u was fine and we eased up the pace at mile 2. Started tempo pace and I just felt really good. I was going a lot faster than the original plan of 8:00 min. pace, but it felt so good that I decided just to go with the pace and cut the distance short if need be. I was able to maintain pretty well though with Dan's regular encouragement to slow it down so I could continue. I just really wanted to fly today. At one point we saw Robin, Jaira and Brooke! I couldn't speak, but it was good to see them! There were a couple of times I said I was getting tired, but I think I was lying. The cool down was even pretty good, and I was glad to be able to do a decent 2 mile cool down. I did feel light headed at one point on the cool down, but not too bad. I never would have made it the 6 tempo without Dan's coaching thoughout on pace and breathing. This is the culmination of the tempo as I'm considering decreasing the tempo distance, but not the intensity, for the next couple of weeks before the marathon. These last few weeks doing this have been an incredible experience.

9:15 8:53 7:53 7:35 7:35 7:42 7:33 7:42 8:48 8:34 (avg. tempo pace 7:42)
