Run: Interval Previous Next


8 mi


Mizuno (1)


8 / 10
9 / 10
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Ecclesiastes 3 applies here. So, now it's dark again at 0530 & I haven't made myself go to the trail in the dark alone yet this season. SO, 0530 this morning found me at the ARC getting on the treadmill. This is really a good thing as my treadmill workouts are usually good, and strong, and I really don't mind it. The ARC is an interesting place. I can have music, there are TVs, and tons of people to watch - no reason to be bored. After my workout, the guy next to me asked me if I was training for a marathon. (Perhaps this is a good sign - maybe a least I look like I'm training!) We talked for a couple of minutes & I told him about HOA. His sister runs marathons & has run New York and Chicago. He seemed pretty familiar with what is involved. I wondered if I'd be too tired for this workout today, but it really did turn out great. I had a general idea for a workout, but kind of made it up as I went along. I wanted intervals since last week I had done tempo. Today was probably a little less than what I could have/should have done, but I am, in part, taking care of myself just a tad right now. Still, I felt it was strong and I am pleased. I am somewhat amazed at how easy the interval paces seemed today. There was effort all right, but absolutely no struggle. I am so happy my struggles physically have been few lately. That is such a blessing, and I'm appreciating every minute and every mile of it.

1 mile slow warm up

1 mile 7.35 pace (7.9)

.5 mile recovery

1 mile 7:35 pace (7.9)

.5 mile recovery

1 mile 7:35 pace (7.9)

.5 mile recovery

.5 mile 7:19 pace (8.2)

.5 mile recovery

.5 mile 7:19 pace (8.2)

.25 recovery

.25 6:58 pace (8.6)

.5 cool down

I am naming this 3, 2, 1 - or the pattern at any rate - 3 x 1 mile then 2 x .5 mile then 1 x .25 mile.

On the way home I heard these words to a song that caught my attention: "Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes." If I am so fortunate to have the opportunity, I want to have that attitude.
