Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:30 AM

8 mi


8:33 mi


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map



This was tough and good. It was my first attempt at 5 miles tempo pace and I was really hoping I could pull off at least 4.5 at a 8:10 - 8:15. It turned out to be much better than anticipated. It didn't get really, really hard till the last mile. At the last mile, the first quarter was still okay, but by the half mile point I was hoping for a cougar to attack me on the trail so I'd have a good excuse to stop. I knew 5 miles was obtainable though so I kept going. My only other lofty original idea was to add on cool down miles at the end to reach 10 total, but I was spent after 8 so I stopped after 1 cool down. I also have a long run planned for Sat. so I had that in mind as well. The group was doing the Tiger Run, which I would have enjoyed, but I was dedicated to my tempo today so while the group went toward town, Robin, Jordan, Dan and I headed toward Scott for a tempo run for 3 of us and an easier run for Dan. Did most of my tempo pace with Dan which worked out well as it has in the past. I thought of Leslie as we kicked it into tempo pace, and knowing she is going to read this certainly did help the motivation! :)

10:04 9:24 7:58 7:59 7:55 7:51 7:51 9:15 (avg. tempo pace 7:55). I am pleased and surprised that all my tempo miles were sub 8 (ok - just barely at 7:59, but still sub 8!)
