Bike: Long Previous Next


50 mi


11.54 mi / hr


8 / 10
9 / 10


Left from here shortly past 0600. Figuring on mud at the low water crossing I took Green Meadows to Forum. Low road is closed which didn't surprise me so bumped along high road. Met Peggy coming my way as she had arrived at McBaine already so headed toward me. Arrived back at McBaine to meet James & Tony. Plans to meet Lisa at Providence as she was going to kayak after. Got started toward Hartsburg. All good. We were maybe 2 miles out and Peggy had a flat. Ok, got that changed. James is good at that. He worked on it and we swatted mosquitos as we happened to be in a swampy area. Good thing he's good at it too as not a mile later he had a flat! Got that changed. Lisa came our direction during Peggy's flat and then we all set off again somewhat nervously about tires this time. Made it well to Hartsburg and ate too much for breakfast! It was good though and very nice. Headed out with a quick stop at the trailhead to check tire pressure. It was warming up by then, but not horrible especially in the shade. Dropped Lisa at Providence. James was not feeling well at this point so he was ready to be done. We made it back to McBaine. Gave James time to recover a bit & then Peggy followed him home to make sure all was well. I ran into Bob A. from the Katy Ride and we chatted till I took off for the final leg back home. I was tiring by the time I got to Forum, but pushed up the hill without a break. Made it home fine. Longest ride since the Katy Ride. Pretty wiped now though, but a really nice a.m.! Didn't take Garmin. I know the distance (shorter taking Green Meadows) and Peggy supplied the average pace.
