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Was undecided when I went to bed last night what the morning would bring, so I didn't set the alarm or make plans. Figured I'd wake up & go from there. Woke up about 0515 (not enough sleep lately), but figured I had time to make it to the ARC for a swim. Swim Thur. a.m. at the ARC is 0545 - 0700. I was in the water by 0610 & swam till 0655. The water was A LOT warmer this time & I really appreciated that. I still take this pretty easy. It's so hard to judge the effort & quality of this. I go slowly, but I can feel that my arms need the work. I'm still getting back into this so we'll see. After I get going, I really enjoy it, but it is a lonely workout. Although I much prefer a lane to myself, I like having people in the area around me. It was pretty quiet this a.m., & I only shared a lane for about 1/2 the time. Afterward I got in the hot tub for about 10. I'm hoping this is all good for a proper marathon recovery!
